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Born 1959, studies of law at the Universities of Heidelberg and Göttingen, legal state examinations of Baden-Württemberg in 1984 and 1987. Doctoral Degree (Dr. iur. utr.) in 1991, Habilitation in civil and civil procedural law by the Faculty of Law of the University of Heidelberg in 1996. Teaching activities in Heidelberg and Bayreuth. Appointment to the Chair of Procedural and Civil Law, first held by Founding Dean Friedrich Wilhelm Bosch, as successor of Walter Zeiss in 1998/99. Dean from 2006 to 2008, Vice Dean from 2008 to 2010 and now the Old Wise Man of the Ruhr University’s Faculty of Law.
Contributions on substantive and procedural civil law, including liability law, in various journals and revues. Member of the following associations: Zivilrechtslehrervereinigung, Vereinigung der Zivilprozessrechtslehrer, Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Internationales Verfahrensrecht, Deutscher Hochschulverband, Deutsch-Chinesische Juristenvereinigung (DCJV), Deutsch-Japanische Juristenvereinigung (DJJV), Alliance for Research on East Asia (AREA) Ruhr, China-Kompetenznetzwerks Ruhr Niederrhein (CNET RNR).