Letzte Änderung: 03. April 2024
RUB LS Windel

The Chair of Procedural and Civil Law of Professor Dr. Peter A. Windel focuses on the central fields of procedural and private law, both in research and teaching.

The chair covers the entire field of civil procedural law. Accordingly, research is not limited to procedural and enforcement law in contentious civil proceedings, but also extends to the areas of voluntary jurisdiction and bankruptcy. A further focus is on the court system, which forms the basis for every legal dispute. From here, the research activity extends to other branches of procedural law.

Civil law is essentially general private law. The chair is therefore not only concerned with the legal dogmatics, which are reflected in the German Civil Code and its subsidiary laws. Rather, it analyses the fundamental questions of the private law system, regardless of where they are regulated. Exemplary areas are personal and family law, contract including consumer law, and torts.

A further point should be emphasised: Legal scholarship over the last century and a half has mostly called for the strict separation of substantive and procedural law. This development has given cause for concern: Neither can the order of life be understood without considering the possibilities of enforcement in a dispute. Nor can a reasonable court system be created if the merits of a dispute are disregarded. The Chair therefore endeavours to take sufficient account of this interdependence in research and teaching.

Last but not least, globalization demands from lawyers, jurists and legal scholars to broaden their legal and cultural horizon. Therefore, the Chair gets involved in the international legal dialogue both by scholarly and academic exchange and collaboration, as well as by supervising foreign students of law.